Why enter

  • All entries will be reviewed by an expert international judging panel which will choose a shortlist of 15 projects
  • The top six commended projects will then be visited by an independent critic before the winner is selected by the judges
  • All shortlisted projects will be featured in the December 2025/January 2026 issue of The Architectural Review, with in-depth building studies for the top six
  • All entrants will have their project listed on the AR House awards website, each with an image and URL
  • All shortlisted projects will be promoted in print in the AR, and on the AR website, emails and social media to more than a million readers worldwide

What to enter

Beyond new and permanent residences for a single family, the following projects are also eligible: holiday homes, countryside retreats, mountain cabins, projects that combine a home with another programme (office, studio, gallery, etc), prototypes, experiments and university projects for living units, extensions and interior renovations, and existing buildings converted into homes. Homes for a group of people living together are also eligible as long as they remain small-scale and constitute a single ‘home’ for a particular community such as Habitat for Orphan Girls and Doctors’ Housing .

Please remember that:

  • Projects must be finished and inhabited, and it should be possible for a critic or photographer to visit
  • Projects must be less than 5 years old, so construction must have completed after 1 January 2020
  • Large housing blocks are not eligible

If you have any questions about whether your project is eligible, please drop a line to diana.zieba@emap.com.


How to enter

  • Register on the entry page
  • Start your entry, which will consist of:
    • two A2 boards, uploaded as two separate PDF files containing compressed images, drawings and vectorised text
    • Boards must include drawings (at least one plan and one section) of the project, photographs and a short explanatory text (250 words are recommended) as well as the project location (city or region and country)
    • please note that files should not exceed 12Mb and boards must be anonymous, otherwise they may be disqualified
    • one high-resolution JPEG image (480x480px) and accompanying credit, which will be added to our gallery of entries on this website
  • Submit your entry via the online entry form by the deadline (11 July 2025). You can start and save your entry to come back to it at any point before the deadline.

To help you:

  • To ensure anonymity in judging, no names of entrants or collaborating parties may appear on any part of the board.
  • You can view entry board examples of the 2024 AR House winner, Post-hurricane houses by Manuel Cervantes Estudio: Board 1 Board 2
  • If you are submitting multiple entries and would like a discount code, or have any queries at all please contact diana.zieba@emap.com.


Use of images for promotional material

The Architectural Review reserves the right to make use of images of winning projects (both in print and digital media) for promotional material and editorial use in connection with the award. For instance, this might include publicising an exhibition (of winning entries), a lecture series (featuring the winning architects), or promoting the award itself. Use of material in this capacity either in whole or part will not attract payment of copyright. Where we are made aware of their names, photographers will be credited.